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» Famous Birthdays On:
October 23
Here is a list of celebrities whose birthday is October 23. Popular people like you were born on this day. The list is regularly updated with new names. From the IdolWiki team, we wish all the best to those who were born on this day.
Zach Callison
Voice Actors Celebrities
Ulices Chaidez
Music Stars
TheyLoveArii (Ariana Renee)
TikTok Celebrities
Soccer Players
Ryan Reynolds
Movie Celebrities
Mikey Jimenez
Music Stars
Drew Ramos
Music Stars
Kane Atwood
Instagram Celebrities
Weird Al Yankovic
Music Stars
Emilia Clarke
Movie Celebrities
Nathalie Paris
Youtube Celebrities
Georgia Toffolo
Celebrity Reality Show
Amandla Stenberg
Movie Celebrities
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