age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Singer
Real Name: Kenny Holland
Nick Name: Kenny
Born / How old is?: May 1, 1995
Place of Birth: Vernon, AZ
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: White
Kenny Holland Education:

Kenny studied in High School in Michigan.
Kenny Holland measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Kenny Holland Biography

    Birthday: May 1, 1995 - now age 29 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on May 1?

    Who is it?: POP SINGER

    Height: 178 cm

    Weight: 70 kg

    Zodiac sign: Taurus. More Taurus Celebrities

Taurus is talented and hardworking. This sign is distinguished by constancy and the desire for comfort, as well as thrift, prudence and practicality. Taurus are real collectors, not only of material values, but also of life experience.

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Wiki: edit

Kenny Holland was born on the 1st of May, in 1995, in Vernon. He was raised up in Michigan and has always been a creative guy. The family was underprivileged and there were many kids in it. Kenny has always been a participant of all school events, such as concerts and Christmas plays. The kid was taught to play the piano when he was small and later it played a great pole in his life. He started his career with Vine, creating and uploading his pieces of music. Now the performer is a prominent rock musician.



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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Kenny’s father’s name is not available.

Mother: Kenny’s mother’s name is not known.

Siblings: Kenny has several siblings. Their names are Bria, Camryn, London, Madison and Capri.

Wives and kids: Kenny is not married.

Kenny Holland sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Kenny has a girlfriend. Her name is Nicole Mitchell. The young couple has decided to marry.

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net worth

Kenny Holland Net Worth, Money edit

Kenny’s net worth is estimated at $ 0, 5 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Kenny lives in Los Angeles.

Cars: there is no information on this matter.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He likes dogs.
    • His favorite dish is taco.
    • He is a non-smoker.
    • He has a tattoo on his left shoulder.
    • His favorite time of the day is morning.
    • His favorite season is autumn.
    • He has a sweet tooth.
    • He is a hearty eater.
    • Sometimes he cooks himself.

    • How Tall Is Kenny Holland? - 178 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

How are Kenny’s most popular singles named?

There are numerous singles among which is the song ‘So What’. The rext for the song was written by Kenny himself.

Has he ever performed alive?

Kenny had such an experience when he sang in front of a big crowd of people at the ceremony of opening a mall in his home town.

Has the performer created any albums?

Kenny has released an album which he had named ‘Heart & Keys’.

Does Kenny have a creative family?

Kenny is from a gifted family. Now his sisters are trying their hands at making music as well. Kenny is very helpful and he is extremely proud of them.

What perspective does the performer see in his future life?

Kenny wants to promote himself creating new albums. He shifted to Los Angeles some years ago hoping to write songs for films. Later, after developing his career Kenny is going to marry and start his own family with lots of children.


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