age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: UNKNOWN
Real Name: King Cairo Stevenson
Nick Name: King
Born / How old is?: October 16, 2012
Place of Birth: California
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: Black
King Cairo Stevenson Education:

King is educated by the best teachers at home.
King Cairo Stevenson measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
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King Cairo Stevenson Links:

🌠 King Cairo Stevenson Biography

    Birthday: October 16, 2012 - now age 12 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on October 16?

    Who is it?: FAMILY MEMBER

    Height: Unknown

    Weight: Unknown

    Zodiac sign: Libra. More Libra Celebrities

Libra - balanced and diplomatic. Rarely show emotions, leaving all experiences inside, and try to maintain good relations with everyone. They are amorous and aesthetic, subtly feel the beauty of the world around them, intolerant of rudeness and bad taste.

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Wiki: edit

King Cairo Stevenson was born on the 16th of October, 2012, in California. His parents are American celebrity who met at the party in a fashionable club. Their relations were full of romance and they were much gossiped about. When the wonderful couple was posing together for the picture for the magazine cover the people began to suspect that his mother was pregnant.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: King’s father’s name is Tyga.

Mother: King’s mother’s name is Blac Chyna.

Siblings: King has no brothers or sisters.

Wives and kids: King is unmarried.

King Cairo Stevenson sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

King has no dates yet.

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net worth

King Cairo Stevenson Net Worth, Money edit

King’s net worth is not known yet.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: King lives in California.

Cars: King does not have any.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He has a mixed origin.
    • He is brought up in the traditions of the Vietnamese and Jamaican people.
    • When he was born his father bought a very expensive property.

    • How Tall Is King Cairo Stevenson? - Unknown
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What is his father’s profession?

His father is a professional musician. He is a famous hip-hop performer and a rapper.

What is his mother’s specialty?

Blac is a model who is a cover-girl.


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