age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Actress, model, singer
Real Name: Ryan Whitney Newman
Nick Name: Ry
Born / How old is?: April 24, 1998
Place of Birth: Manhattan Beach, CA
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: White
Ryan Newman Education:

She studied at school in her local area.
Ryan Newman measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: 35-25-34 in or 89-63.5-86 cm
Shoe Size: 7 (US) or 37.5 (EU)
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
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🌠 Ryan Newman Biography

    Birthday: April 24, 1998 - now age 26 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on April 24?

    Who is it?: MOVIE ACTRESS

    Height: 5 ft 3 in or 160 cm

    Weight: 51 kg or 112.5 pounds

    Zodiac sign: Taurus. More Taurus Celebrities

Taurus is talented and hardworking. This sign is distinguished by constancy and the desire for comfort, as well as thrift, prudence and practicality. Taurus are real collectors, not only of material values, but also of life experience.

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Wiki: edit

Ryan Newman was born on the 24th of April, 1998, in California. This amazing young personality was raised in a very simple family with an average income. Her parents were very supportive of her and having seen all her gifts for singing and dancing appreciated all that and took her to film castings. At the age of approximately five the girl was noticed and was chosen among thousands to play in a film side by side with stars. The project was called ‘Monster House’. After it Ryan made a lot of attempts in modeling for well-known designers and participating in shootings of commercials for established and famous enterprises. Now the girl is a prominent actress who hasn’t stopped her development and who is planning to take up new parts.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Ryan’s father’s name is Rick.

Mother: Ryan’s mother’s name is Jody.

Siblings: Ryan has a sister whose name is Jessica.

Husbands and kids: Ryan is not officially married.

Ryan Newman sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Ryan is told to be dating Jack Griffo.

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net worth

Ryan Newman Net Worth, Money edit

Ryan’s net worth is estimated at $ 2 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Ryan lives in Los Angeles.

Cars: Ryan does not show off her property.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • She does not smoke.
    • Her nickname is Ry.
    • Her favorite music style is rock.
    • Her favorite musical instrument is piano

    • How Tall Is Ryan Newman? - 5 ft 3 in or 160 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What is Ryan’s attitude to education?

Ryan is not only a talented person but also she is a wise girl who wants to develop in the future. She is not self-satisfied with her current cinema success and she desires to be an educated person so Ryan is planning to enter a college to continue her studies.

Which of the pro9jects where she took part is the most pleasant to remember?

The most exciting and interesting project for the young actress was called ‘Hannah Montana’. She is very grateful to have been given a chance to participate in it.

What other interests does Ryan have?

Ryan is a herd-working personality who doesn’t have much spare time. When she is not absorbed in work or rehearsals she plays the guitar, cooks and shops as she is very fond of fashion.


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