age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Real Name:
Nick Name: Bonnierabbit
Born / How old is?: December 26 ,1995
Place of Birth: United States
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: White
Bonnierabbit Education:

Bonnie graduated from a private school in the city where she was born. Whether she received any other education or qualifications is unknown.
Bonnierabbit measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Bonnierabbit Biography

    Birthday: December 26 ,1995 - now age 28 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on December 26?

    Who is it?: Streamer

    Height: 5 feet 5 inches

    Weight: 51 kg

    Zodiac sign: Capricorn. More Capricorn Celebrities

Capricorn is reliable and pragmatic. The organizational skills of Capricorns, as well as the ability to plan, elevate them to the very top of the social pyramid. Talented executives and natural leaders, Capricorns have everything under control and can handle any situation

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Wiki: edit

Bonnierabbit is the star of Twitch, an internet platform where a large number of users create live content. Her path to fame began after she began to simultaneously collect several thousand people on her streams at the same time.
She is known in other social networks: Instagram and Twitter.

Place of birth Bonnie (she hides her real name) California on December 26, 1998. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Age - 27 years old. She has brown eyes, light brown hair, a charming smile and a pleasant appearance.
She created her Twitch channel in 2020. During the period when the global pandemic was raging, her popularity grew.
The most famous broadcasts: "Grand Theft Auto" (Big car theft), "Stanley's Parables" and "Madison" on the bonnierabbit account.
Bonnie shows various video games, but prefers horror games like Visage.
As a travel blogger, she shares her adventures with viewers. Her Twitch account "Bonnierabbit" is full of humor and interesting thoughts.
Her streams have amassed over 100,000 subscribers. The creativity that she demonstrates online is watched by 63,000 users on Instagram, and 78,000 on Twitch.
At the moment, a lot of attention is paid to conversations, where various topics are touched upon.



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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Her family included Arabs, Norwegians and Germans. She does not like to talk about her parents and relatives.
Bonnierabbit describes herself as an unmarried and single woman. She is known to have dated at least one person before.

Bonnierabbit sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

She has a friend Tim. But she claims they are just friends.

★ Watch Here: TOP Twitch Celebrities ➤
net worth

Bonnierabbit Net Worth, Money edit

Twitch is the main source of income. She earns money from affiliate programs and advertising. She has other sources of income that are difficult to estimate.

Information about the state of her capital from various sources ranges from $100,000 to $900,000.
It is reported that Bonnie's monthly earnings can reach $35,000.

Houses & Cars edit


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    1. She's an introvert.

    2. Favorite activity is to travel.

    3. Countries she visited: Belgium, Thailand, Romania and many others.

    4. She doesn't respond to vulgar comments.

    5. She considers the number 8 her lucky number.

    6. She exchanged 11,000 messages with over 73,000 of her fans.
    • How Tall Is Bonnierabbit? - 5 feet 5 inches
misc questions

Misc Questions edit


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