age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Social Media Star, instagram star, youtube star
Real Name: Nick Crompton
Nick Name: Nick Crompton
Born / How old is?: February 5, 1995
Place of Birth: Bradford, England
Nationality: English
Race / Ethnicity: White
Nick Crompton Education:

Nick Crompton went to a public school in Britain.
Nick Crompton measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: Unknown
Shoe Size: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Nick Crompton Biography

    Birthday: February 5, 1995 - now age 29 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on February 5?

    Who is it?: INSTAGRAM STAR

    Height: 5 ft 10 in or 178 cm

    Weight: 80-85kg

    Zodiac sign: Aquarius. More Aquarius Celebrities

Aquarius is free-spirited and eccentric. He always insists on being right and has his own judgment about everything. An unusual and independent Aquarius always goes his own way, not paying attention to the rules established in society. The rebellious nature of this sign is balanced by a heightened sense of justice and boundless honesty.

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Wiki: edit

Nick Crompton is one of the most pleasant and friendliest personalities in the field of vlogging. He was born and brought up in England in 1995. His date of birth is on the 5th of February. This person doesn’t need any promotion for himself as he is a really beloved by his fans and followers. Even his enemies become his friends as they are deeply charmed by his talents. Nick is now an entrepreneurs as he seeks talents, promotes them helping, giving good advice and becoming their true friend. 'Team 10' is one of his protégées. He has done much for them to climb on the ladder of success. Due to collaborating with him they started giving out really valuable content.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Nick’s father’s name is not broadcast.

Mother: His mother’s name is not known

Siblings: Nick has an elder brother about whom he doesn’t speak much.

Wives and kids: Nick is officially single.

Nick Crompton sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: gay.

Nick Crompton is Gay. He dated Levi Erskine for a few months, then then broke up. He hasn't dated a girl in over 15 years he said.

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net worth

Nick Crompton Net Worth, Money edit

Nick’s net worth is estimated at $ 1,6m.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Nick has been recently residing in Los Angeles.

Cars: It is unknown whether he possesses a car or not.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He likes roasted fish.
    • He is a good cook.
    • He adores the climate of California.
    • He has a cat at home.
    • He is a morning person.
    • He claims that he is a lark according to his regime.
    • In his agency he is officially given a post of the Chief Operating Officer.
    • He likes singing in shower.

    • How Tall Is Nick Crompton? - 5 ft 10 in or 178 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

How did it all start?

Nick started vlogging due to his mistake. He posted a video which he had recorded by mistake. He did not have any serious intentions. His video was full of humor and fun, so a great load of people subscribed for his channel.

What has been Nick’s latest project?

In 2015 Nick organized his own Internet agency called Social Chain. This agency helps many young vlogging talents to develop and become professionals.

Who are the brightest personalities that have collaborated with Nick?

There are a lot of young rising stars of You Tube and Vine who are grateful for Nick for his cooperation and support. Among them are Martinez Twins, for example.

What are his plans considering his business?

Nick is going to extend his business in the agency to China. This country had loads of talents that need promotion.


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