age, height, real name

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Real Name: ehzad Daniel Ferdows
Nick Name:
Born / How old is?: 14 March 1969
Place of Birth:
Nationality: Iranian
Race / Ethnicity: Egyptian
Behzad Ferdows Education:

Graduated from the University of Southern California
Behzad Ferdows measurements

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Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Behzad Ferdows Biography

    Birthday: 14 March 1969 - now age 55 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on ?

    Who is it?: Entrepreneur, Industrial Engineer, Investor and Philanthropist.



    Zodiac sign: Pisces. More Pisces Celebrities

Pisces are changeable and impractical. A well-developed imagination and a rich inner world often take Pisces to a land of dreams. Fantasies and dreams fill life so much that it is sometimes very difficult for this sign to adapt to the real world. Pisces know how to sympathize and empathize, they will always console in difficult times and help those in need.

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Wiki: edit

Behzad studied manufacturing processes of several multinational companies to better understand their systems before embarking on a career that eventually took him to the U.A.E. where he successfully built several manufacturing companies catering to the construction industry holding Executive and CEO roles in numerous companies he established during his career. Utilizing his Industrial Engineering background and being a Black Belt in Six Sigma, Behzad played a direct role in designing factories using state of the art robotic equipment from Europe to ensure the highest levels of optimization were achieved in order to compete internationally



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    Today, Behzad continues to study dynamic engineering processes where new technologies such as 3D printed buildings and robotic machines are merged with value streams, material flow movements to maximize work space and help improve manufacturing process systems and procedures.  
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