age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Real Name: Roman
Nick Name: Strunatok
Born / How old is?: 12/07/1989
Place of Birth: Belarus
Race / Ethnicity: White
Strunatok Education:

Strunatok measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: 44
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: Blue
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🌠 Strunatok Biography

    Birthday: 12/07/1989 - now age 34 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on ?

    Who is it?: Tiktok blogger

    Height: 188 sm

    Weight: 75 kg

    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. More Sagittarius Celebrities

Sagittarius is dreamy and fearless. Sagittarius is a traveler and discoverer, he is distinguished by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, but sometimes he is quick-tempered and overly emotional.

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Wiki: edit

My name is Roman! I am a popular Tiktok blogger from Belarus in the music category. My nickname on Tiktok and Instagram is STRUNATOK. At the moment, my tiktok channel has 1 million and 100 thousand subscribers, which I gained in less than a year, the number of subscribers is growing every day. On my channel, I shoot videos related to music: songs and melodies on the guitar, master classes, cover versions of songs, etc.

Thanks to my promotion on TikTok, I was invited to an event as a musician and photo shoot, as a model for clothing catalogs, and also in advertising, as an actor: I recently starred in an ad with Arnold Schwarzenegger for World of Tanks.



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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

I live in Minsk separately from my parents, I have a sister and a brother.
Strunatok sexuality

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net worth

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Houses & Cars edit

Guitar and music

Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • How Tall Is Strunatok? - 188 sm

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