Timothée Chalamet
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: ACTOR
Real Name: Timothée Hal Chalamet
NickName: Timothée Chalamet
Birthplace: New York City, NY
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Timothée Chalamet

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: December 27, 1995 - now age 28 years in 2024

    Who is it?: MOVIE ACTOR

    Height: 6 feet. It is about 180 centimeters


    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Timothée Chalamet bio

Biography: edit

Timothee Chalamet was brought up in a multi-national family in New York.

He started his career acting in short films. Later, in 2012 he was invited to act in the series called ‘Homeland’. Such movies as ‘Call Me by Your Name’ and ‘Beautiful Boy’ brought him worldwide recognition. The actor has always combined his work and studies. He has studied at Columbia University where his major subject was cultural anthropology and at New York University. Timothee is well-known as a stage actor. He has worked in such performances as ‘The Talls’ and ‘Prodigal Son’.

1 fact


The height of the actor is 6 feet. It is about 180 centimeters.

He has a sporty and delicate build and weighs about 70 kilos.

2 fact

Age edit

Timothee was born in 1995, in New York. His birthday is on the 27th of December.

He had been nominated for Oscar for his part in the movie ‘Call Me by Your Name’. By the age of 24 the guy had acted in more than twenty stage and television projects.

3 fact

Girlfriend edit

The former girlfriend of the performer is Lourdes Leon.

She is a kid of the world-star Madonna. She is an actress, a fashion designer and a model. The young people met at the university. They started their affair in 2013 and parted in 2014. According to the rumors, Lourdes shut him down for kissing another girl.

4 fact

Mother edit

The actor’s mother is a former dancer of Broadway and an actress. Her name is Nicole Flender.

She has Jewish, Russian and Austrian roots. She has grown two talented kids – Timothe himself and his elder sister Pauline. She is an actress.

5 fact

Father edit

The father of the performer is an editor. His name is Marc Chalamet. He is French.

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