Jentzen Ramirez
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Movie Actor
Real Name: Jentzen Ramirez
NickName: Jentzen Ramirez
Birthplace: United States
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Jentzen Ramirez

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: August 8, 2006 - now age 18 years in 2024

    Who is it?: Movie Actor

    Height: 5 ft 4 inches (58kg)


    Zodiac sign: Leo
Jentzen Ramirez bio

Biography: edit

Jentzen Ramirez started his career rather young.

He was only 8 when he was cast to act in the film called ‘A Fable Music and the Mind’.

This performer was born in the United States. He had lived in Texas until his family decided to move to Los Angeles to develop the artistic careers of their kids. The most admirable part played by Jentzen is Luke in the project ‘Star Wars: Generations’ created in 2016.

1 fact

His Net Worthedit

Ramirez has a considerable net worth which is up to 5 million dollars in 2020.

It is earned due to his participation in such films as ‘The Lurking Man’, ‘Star Wars: Generations’ and other minor parts in short films.

2 fact

Height edit

The movie actor has a moderate height which is 5 feet and 4 inches in 2020. It is approximately 160+ centimeters.

As the actor is in his mid-teens he is sure to grow up and change rather fast.

3 fact

His Age / How old is He? edit

Jentzen Ramirez was born in 2006. His birthday is on the 8th of August.

By the age of 13 he had managed to become a popular movie actor, to win the Jury Prize for his acting in the movie ‘The Lurking Man’ and to obtain the black belt in martial arts.

4 fact

Parents edit

Jentzen has been brought up in a happy family with supporting parents. He and his sister have got all the necessary help to develop as actors. The performer prefers not to disclose the names of his parents.

5 fact

Siblings / Sister edit

Jentzen has an elder sister. Her name is Liana.

She is a prominent dancer who has taken part in Disney’s ‘Make Your Mark Dance Contest’. She is known by her part in the project ‘The Lab Rats’.

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