KJ Apa
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: TV Actor
Real Name: Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa
NickName: KJ Apa
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
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KJ Apa

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: June 17, 1997 - now age 27 years in 2024

    Who is it?: TV Actor

    Height: 5 feet and 11 inches which is about 180 centimeters


    Zodiac sign: Gemini
KJ Apa bio

Biography: edit

KJ Apa was born and brought up in New Zealand, in the city Auckland.

He has acted in a number of films. The most significant parts of this showman are dated 2013 year. In 2013 he started working in a television project called ‘Shortland Street’. Later he was invited to play the leading part in the series called ‘Riverdale’ where he performed the main part. For that work he won Saturn Awards in 2017 and was nominated for Teen Choice Awards.

1 fact

His Age / How old is KJ Apa?edit

KJ Apa was born in 1997. His birthday is on the 17th of June.

2 fact

His height in feet and cm edit

This actor has rather noticeable body measurements.

His height is 5 feet and 11 inches which is about 180 centimeters.

 He has an athletic build and weighs only about 75 kilos.

3 fact

Parents edit

The names of his father is Keneti Apa. He is a native Samoan. He is known to be a chief of a Samoan village. His mother’s name is Tessa Apa.

The actor is the youngest kid in the family as he has two elder sisters.

The performer has a famous uncle. He is a former coach of rugby. His name is Keneti and Tessa Apa.

4 fact

Workout edit

KJ Apa is keen on sports. He regularly works out in the gym and has established his own diet plan and a schedule of trainings.

He shares the secrets of effective workouts in his vlogs on You Tube. In a simple and down-to earth way the actor explains how to organize trainings and achieve success in body building.

5 fact

KJ Apa Real Name edit

The real name of the artist is Keneti James Fitzgerald.

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