Jenna Davis
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: TV ACTRESS
Real Name: Jenna Davis
NickName: Jenna Davis
Birthplace: Plano, TX
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Jenna Davis

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: May 5, 2004 - now age 20 years in 2024

    Who is it?: TV ACTRESS

    Height: 5 feet 3 inches


    Zodiac sign: Taurus
Jenna Davis bio

Biography: edit

Jenna Davis started her creative activity rather early. When she was just two she became a dancer. When she was in a very tender age she was engaged in acting.

The girl was born in Texas. She is known for her part in the web-series called ‘A Girl Named Jo’ and ‘Chicken Girls’. She has also starred in the Disney project titled ‘Raven’s Home’.

Now she is developing her acting career in Los Angeles and works as a You Tuber and Instagrammer. Jenna makes cover versions of famous songs, for instance, her singing of ‘Cheap Thrills’ has inspired a lot of viewers.

1 fact

Age - How Old?edit

The girl was born in 2004. Her birthday is on the 5th of May. She is a Taurus.

All the people born under that sign have a lively and cheerful disposition. They are industrious and persistent. In communication with people they are easy-going and kind.

2 fact

Height - How Tall? edit

Jenna has a miniature figure.

Her height is 5 feet and 1 inch which is approximately 155 centimeters.

 She is rather slender and weighs only about 40 kilos. Such body measurements in combination with her talent and wittiness can impress everybody.

3 fact

Boyfriend edit

Jenna is a charming girl and, by no means, has managed to break a number of hearts. But she is clever enough not to announce the details of her personal life, so, the name of her possible boyfriend is unknown.

4 fact

Mother and Father edit

Despite the fact that some of the star’s family members are shown on her social nets, she does not disclose their names.

5 fact

Net Worth 2020 edit

Her $3 Million - $5 Million (Approx.) in 2020

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