Lil Tecca
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Rapper, Singer
Real Name: Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe
NickName: Lil Tecca
Birthplace: Queens, NY
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Lil Tecca

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: August 26, 2002 - now age 22 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Rapper

    Height: 5 feet and 7 inches which is about 180 centimeters


    Zodiac sign: Virgo
Lil Tecca bio

Biography: edit

Lil Tecca was born and grew up in Gweens, located in New York. Since early years he has had two passions – basketball and music. He dreamt of being a basketball player, but, being inspired by Eminem and Meek Mill, he chose music. Lil Began his hip-hop career on SoundCloud and a bit later he was offered profitable contracts. The performer is famous for such singles as ‘Bossanova’, and ‘Ransom ’ which brought him recognition. The mixtape ‘We Love You Tecca’ which saw the light in 2019 got the top places on US Billboard.

1 fact

His Age / Born Dateedit

The singer was born in 2002. His parents gave him the name Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe. His birthday is on the 26th of August.

He became interested in hip-hop when he was in the 6th form. His really serious musical activity started in 2017.

2 fact

Money and Net Worth edit

The net worth of the star is rather considerate. It is about 2 million dollars.

Despite the fact that he had earned a load of money by the age of 17 he attends local school and tries to combine studies and work.

3 fact

Mother and Father edit

The names of the parents are not known. All the public has learnt is that they are from Jamaica and some years ago managed to immigrate to the USA.

4 fact

Height in Feet / Height in cm edit

The height of the performer is 5 feet and 7 inches which is about 180 centimeters.

He has a sporty build and a pleasant appearance which draws attention.

5 fact

Murder / Dead or Alive? edit

In Autumn 2019 there were rumors that Tyler had been murdered in an airport. Some days later Tyler himself disproved that gossip on his social nets.

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