age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Youtube social media star
Real Name: Morgan Hudson
NickName: Morgz
Birthplace: Sheffield, England
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Interesting Facts

    Birthday: August 6, 2001 - now age 23 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Youtube Star

    Height: 6ft 1 in (186cm)


    Zodiac sign: Leo
Morgz bio

Biography: edit

Morgz is a famous You Tuber who uploads videos with pranks and challenges. He works mainly for children who form a considerable part of his public. Despite this he is also loved by adults. He started his activity in 2014 with gaming videos as he is a devoted fan of Minecraft, FIFA and Pokémon. A bit later he decided to quit doing gaming videos and developed his own channel with vlogs and humor content. He is rather successful in merchandise as he collaborates with diet Cola producers and advertises some of its kinds. The star is often criticized for over-exaggerated videos and for the sexual pretext in some of them. One of the videos which has disappointed the audience most of all is called ‘My Mum Had Sex With Me When I Was Twelve’.

1 fact


Morgz was born in Britain, in 2001. He resides in Yorkshire. His date of birth is the 6th of August.

By the age of 18 the content creator has established his own faithful audience which is counted in thousands.

2 fact

His Mum edit

The name of his mother is Jill Hudson.

She plays a great role in his activity as she often appears in his videos, mostly as a victim of his challenges and pranks. She had her own channel which she had to close because she had been convinced in cyber bullying.

3 fact

His Dad edit

The name of the dad of the star is Darren Hudson.

This person also takes part in creating his content and often appears in some of his videos.

4 fact

His Real Name edit

The real name of the performer is Morgan Hudson.

His name is mostly associated worth such a work as ‘The Pause Challenge’.

5 fact

Net Worth and Money edit

Morgan’s net worth is more than 3 million dollars.

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