age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Minecraft and Pokemon related video content
Real Name: Daniel Robert Middleton
NickName: DanTDM
Birthplace: Aldershot, England
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Interesting Facts

    Birthday: November 8, 1991 - now age 33 years in 2024

    Who is it?: Youtube Star

    Height: 5ft 6in (168 cm)


    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
DanTDM bio

Biography: edit

DanTDM is a famous gamer who has his own channel on You Tube and shares the strategies of playing Warcraft. he was born in England. He has a younger brother. His parents divorced when he was a kid. The gamer has a university education as he studied at the University of Northampton. He started his activity in 2010 when he created his channel dedicated to Pokemon on You Tube. Later, in 2012 he began his biggest project – the channel called ‘The Diamond Warcraft’. The star is a blogger as well. He has a special channel called ‘Non-Warcraft’ where he uploads vlogs about his real life, hobbies and plans.

1 fact

Real Nameedit

The real name of the You Tuber is Daniel Robert Middleton.

2 fact

Net Worth edit

The net worth of the person is counted in millions of dollars. He even has reached the top of the highest paid Internet celebrities on the List of Forbes.

His net worth is more than 20 million dollars.
3 fact

His Age edit

The celebrity was born in 1991. His birthday is on the 8th of November.

By his age he has managed to become a millionaire and a record holder of Guinness Book. He has also written a book called ‘Trayaurus and the Enchanted Crystal’.

4 fact

Height edit

Daniel’s height is 5 feet and 6 inches. It is about 170 centimeters.
5 fact

Personal Life edit

Daniel is married to his long-last girlfriend and collaborator whose name is Jemma.

She is a great fan of Warcraft as well. They met in 2013. In 2017 the couple got officially married. In 2020 the family is expecting a baby.

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