Brace Face Laii
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Instagram star, social star
Real Name: Laila Wiggins
NickName: Brace Face Laii
Birthplace: United States
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Brace Face Laii

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: May 29, 2004 - now age 20 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Instagram star

    Height: 175 cm (1.75 m)


    Zodiac sign: Gemini
Brace Face Laii bio

Biography: edit

Brace Face Laii is one of the most independent and self-assured people among the Internet celebrity. She was born in the USA. She began her work as an Instagrammer in her early teens. Now her account has about a million of subscribers. She is rather good at dancing and has natural grace. She unloads her videos where she performs hip-hop compositions. In 2017 the account of the star was hacked. She renewed her activity rather soon after that.

1 fact

Age / How oldedit

The birthday of the star is on the 29th of May. She was born in 2004.

By her ages the person has worked out her personal style in dancing and become an Instagram celebrity.

2 fact

Sexuality edit

The young star has already decided whom she is going to date and spend the rest of her life.

She is a self-proclaimed lesbian and has a girlfriend. Her love and collaborator is Anayah Rice.

She is a dancer of hip-hop. The girls have a collaboration channel called Indn4l.

3 fact

Net Worth edit

Having gained a huge popularity the star has earned a huge net worth for a teenager.

It is about half a million dollars.

 It is likely to multiply as she is constantly developing and trying something new on her channels.

4 fact

Real Name edit

The real name of the performer is Laila Wiggings.
5 fact

Family edit

Laila has a loving family. She often shows the videos of herself dancing wither mother and her step-father.

She is rather close to other members of her family, for instance, she shows the pictures of her niece on her account. Laila is clever enough not to tell the names of her relatives to the public.

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