Cody Ko
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, youtuber
Real Name: Cody Michael Kolodziejzyk
NickName: Cody Ko
Birthplace: Calgary, Canada
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Cody Ko

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: November 22, 1990 - now age 33 years in 2024

    Who is it?: YOUTUBE STAR



    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Cody Ko bio

Biography: edit

Cody Ko is a performer from Canada. He is extremely popular on Tik Tok for his comedy content.

He grew up in Calgary. Since his childhood he has been interested in sports. In his university years he was a member of a swimming team. He got a university degree in computer studies and technology. Now Cody is a famous You Tuber. He has collaborated with Noel Miller.


Cody was born in 1990. His birthday is on the 22nd of November. He is a Scorpio.

Like all the other people of that sign he is persistent and clever. He always achieves all his goals.

1 fact

Last Nameedit

The name of the artist is Cody Michael Kolodziejzyk

His last name is rather popular in Canada as his father is a well-known cyclist.

2 fact

Dad edit

His dad’s name is Greg Kolodziejzyk.

For his sports achievements he has been enlisted into Guinness Book of World Records.

3 fact

Mom edit

The mother of the artist is a person engaged in software business.

Her name is Helen Kolodziejzyk.

 She has managed to bring up a bright personality. Her son has succeeded in sports and in acting. He has got a degree in management and computer technologies.

4 fact

Girlfriend edit

In 2017 Cody got acquainted with a fine girl and an Instagram star whose name is Kelsey Kreppel.

First the young people collaborated and later got a love affair.

5 fact

Height in Feet edit

The height of the performer is 5 feet and 9 inches. It is about 180 centimeters.

He has a delicate build and an athletic figure. His looks make him popular and attractive for the audience.

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