Lil Baby
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Singer, songwriter, Rapper
Real Name: Dominique Jones
NickName: Lil Baby
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
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Lil Baby

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: December 3, 1994 - now age 30 years in 2025

    Who is it?: RAPPER

    Height: 5 FEET 8 INCHES


    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Lil Baby bio

Biography: edit

Lil Baby is a hip-hopper and rapper who was raised in Georgia.

He and his siblings were grown up by a single mother. He had to take care of the family and get the money in the streets. The artist started his professional music activity in 2012. He has managed to collaborate with the performer Yung Gravy. In 2018 the artist created his mixtape titled ‘Street Gossip’. In 2019 he was invited to act in the film ‘How High 2’.

1 fact

Real Nameedit

The real name of the singer is Dominique Jones.

2 fact

Net Worth and Money edit

The artist is really a wealthy man now he has earned it with his great talent and efforts.

Now, in 2019, his net worth is equal to 4 million dollars.

For his richness and success he has been called ‘Wealthy Gorilla’ on some of the social nets.

3 fact

Girlfriend edit

The artist has a girlfriend whose name is Amour Jayda.

She is a hip-hop performer as well. In 2018 the girl made her boyfriend happy saying that she was pregnant. In 2019 the couple welcomed their first baby. It is a boy whose name is Loyal Armani.

4 fact

Height edit

The artist has an average height.

He is an athletic good-looking young man whose height is about 5 feet and 8 inches.

It is approximately 180 centimeters.

5 fact

Age edit

Dominique Jones was born in 1994. His birthday is on the 3th of December.

He is a young man who has achieved much in his age. He has peaked on Billboard Charts a great number of times. He has created several mixtapes the first of which is ‘Perfect Timing’.

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