Howie Mandel
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Comic
Real Name: Howie Mandel
NickName: Howie Mandel
Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
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Howie Mandel

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: November 29, 1955 - now age 69 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Game Show Host

    Height: 5 feet 9¾ inches (1.77 m)


    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Howie Mandel bio

Biography: edit

Howard Michael Mandel was born in Canada, in the city called Toronto.

He started his career as a standup comedian. Later he worked as a television host and an actor. His most famous parts are in the films ‘St. Elsewhere’ and ‘Walk Like a Man’. He is one of the producers of the project ‘Deal with It’ and a voicing actor of the series titled ‘Fugget About It’. Recently he has written an autobiography where he disclosed some facts of his life and work.

1 fact

About Wifeedit

Howie has a happy family life. He got married in 1980 and since that time he and his wife have been together.

Her name is Terry Mandel, nee Soil.

2 fact

His Age edit

The actor was born in 1955. His birthday is on the 19th of November.

By the age of 64 he had worked as a television and film actor, had hosted a number of shows and had become a father of three kids.

3 fact

Kids edit

Howard is a father of two daughters whose names are Riley and Jackie.

He has a son whose name is Alex. Alex now is trying his hand in merchandise as his father told in one of the interviews.

4 fact

Money / Net Worth edit

Being a famous actor, producer and a television host, Howard gets a considerable net worth which is about 40 million dollars.

According to some sources he gets about 70 thousand dollars for any participation in any project.

5 fact

About his Daughter edit

His elder daughter Jackie is a teacher.

She got married in 2014. Howard’s children are good friends for each other. They have a peculiar sense of humor. For instance, his son Alex appeared on the wedding of Jackie in a penguin suit.

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