Jabez Noel Villalobos
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, INSTAGRAMmer, BLOGGER
Real Name: Jabez Noel Villalobos
NickName: Jabez Noel Villalobos
Birthplace: Dallas, TX
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Jabez Noel Villalobos

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: January 18, 2001 - now age 23 years in 2024

    Who is it?: Instagram Star

    Height: He is 5 feet and 7 inches which is about 170 centimeters.


    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Jabez Noel Villalobos bio

Biography: edit

This guy was brought up in a big American family which resides in Texas. He is keen on basketball, rap and videogames. In 2016 he created his own account on the Instagram. His ability to make quality pictures and pleasant appearance made him a real star and brought him millions of subscribers. In 2018 Jabes opened a You Tube channels where he uploads his videos. The video called ‘I Promise Chance Is My Dad, Yo’ was uploaded in 2018.

1 fact

Height in Feet and cmedit

Jabes has an average height.

He is 5 feet and 7 inches which is about 170 centimeters.

 He has a sporty slender figure and amazes his fans with his basketball playing.

2 fact

Nationality edit

Jabes has a mixed nationality. He has Vietnamese and Hispanic roots.

The boy has a unique appearance. His big bright eyes and wavy hair make the hearts of the audience melt.

3 fact

Race edit

The race of each popular person is a subject of special interest. It is difficult to say if Jabes belongs to any particular race as his family is multiracial.

4 fact

Age - How Old is he? edit

The artist was born on the 18th of January, 2001.

He is young but his talents and ambitions will surely let him get on. By the age of 18 he had managed to travel much, to become a good basketball player, to try his hand in rap and hip-hop and to gather a great collection of sports shoes.

5 fact

His Parents edit

The name of Jabes’s parents are not given to the audience, but all the fans know that the boy has a friendly family.

He has two siblings. Their names are Hannah Noelle and Rocky Navarette.

The performer has a step-sister as well. Her name is Brooke Ward.

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