Avani Gregg
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, TIKTOK STAR
Real Name: Avani Gregg
NickName: Avani
Birthplace: Indiana, United States
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Avani Gregg

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: 23 November, 2002 - now age 0 years in 2024

    Who is it?: TIKTOK STAR

    Height: 5 feet 1 inches (155cm)


    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Avani Gregg bio

Biography: edit

Avani Greg is a resident of Indiana. She was born in 2002. As a kid she was rather active and participated in sport competitions, mainly in gymnastics. When she was only 14, she created her accounts on the Instagram and You Tube where she uploaded different comic and music videos. She has tried herself in dancing, singing, comedy and pranks.

1 fact

Her Ageedit

The artist was born in 2002, on the 23rd of November.

Despite her young age Avani Greg has become a prominent performer and a comedian. She has managed to gather millions of subscribers as she makes content of different topics – fashion, make up tutorials, dancing, lip-sync and what not.

2 fact

About Parents edit

Avani does not disclose any facts about her parents or other family members.

3 fact

Her Boyfriend edit

Being a young girl Avani definitely has some male friends who would gladly become her boyfriends.

She has been seen spending time together with Payton Moormeier.

 Noone knows whether they are just friends or have some romantic relations.

4 fact

Zodiac Sign edit

Born on the 23rd of November, Avani is a Sagittarius.

People who belong to this sign are very attractive, good-humored and independent. They are good friends, they never spare money, time or efforts for their beloved people.

5 fact

Sexuality and Sexual Orientation edit

No one has ever heard that Avani has non-traditional sexuality. She is a girl who has an amazing figure and a beautiful face. She is wise enough not to speak about private affairs. As she has a lot of male friends, all her fans think that she is straight.

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