Jaycie Nicole Memmott
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, TikTok star, lip-sync and comedy perfomer
Real Name: Jaycie Nicole Memmott
NickName: Jaycie Memmott @jaycie_nicole
Birthplace: United States
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Jaycie Nicole Memmott

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: August 15, 2002 - now age 22 years in 2024

    Who is it?: Tik Tok Celebrity

    Height: 5 feet 1 inch - Height in meter 1.55 meter


    Zodiac sign: Leo
Jaycie Nicole Memmott bio

Biography: edit

This beginning lip-syncer was born on the 15th of August, 2002.

Though she began her activity not so long ago, she has gained a lot of subscribers on her channel. Jaycie has followed the footsteps of her elder sister who is a prominent Tik Tok star. The talent to lip-sync seems to be inborn in that star family. Jaycie has a gift not only for music but for sports and dancing as well. She is a well-known cheerleader in her school. She is a fine dancer. She has an ambition to become a professional model and an actress.

1 fact

How Old is She? Her Age and Date of Birthedit

The star was born in 2002

By the age of 17 she has managed to gain more than 1 million subscribers on her channel.

2 fact

Her Boyfriend and Sexuality edit

Of course, a girl with such an amazing appearance and figure cannot stay unnoticed by the opposite sex. As she has a beautiful slender figure and a miniature height of 162 centimeters she must have a boyfriend. But the entertainer is clever enough not to give any names. She is totally focused on her development and future career, so her love life does not seem very important for her.

3 fact

Tik Tok edit

Jaycie began working on Tik Tok in 2019. She makes lip-sync versions of popular songs, like her sister whose name is Cierra Michelle.

The audience soon paid attention to the younger sister of the Tik Tok star and loved her.

4 fact

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Jaycie was grown up in a traditional family, so her sexuality is obviously straight.

5 fact

About Her Family and Elder Sister edit

Jaycie lives in a happy family.

She has an elder sister whose name is Cierra Michelle and who is her constant supporter.

The girl has three pets – two cats and a dog.

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