Lilhuddy (Chase Hudson)
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, TikTok star, lip-sync perfomer
Real Name: Chase Hudson
NickName: Lilhuddy
Birthplace: Stockton, CA
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Lilhuddy (Chase Hudson)

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: May 15, 2002 - now age 22 years in 2024

    Who is it?: YOUTUBE STAR

    Height: 6 FT tall


    Zodiac sign: Taurus
Lilhuddy (Chase Hudson) bio

Biography: edit

Chase Hudson (Lilhuddy) is a lip-syncer who is one of the most beloved stars.

He created his account on Tik Tok not so long ago but has already gained thousands of followers. He chooses the songs of Pitbull and Bieber for lip-syncing. Chase Hudson is a good companion. He often collaborates with such stars as Kendra Ray. Now the star is winning popularity on You Tube making videos. Now Chase is famous on the Instagram as his fans want to know all the details of his life – his tastes, spare time spending, his meals and daily activities.

1 fact

How Old is He - Ageedit

Chase was born in 2002. Being rather young he has managed to reach great popularity. By the year 2019 he has taken part in Lights Out Summer Tour. The star’s birthday is on the 15th of May.

2 fact

His Relationship and Girlfriend edit

Chase is a charming personality and a cute boy. It would be surprising if he had no girlfriend.

He met with a Tik Toker Cynthia Parker
3 fact

Place of Birth and Living? Where he was Born? edit

The performer was born in California, in a place called Stockton.

4 fact

His Mom edit

Chase has a loving mother who has managed to bring up three kids. They are Chase himself and his two sisters Karissa and Marlena.

Their mother’s name is Tomora Hudson.
5 fact

His Father edit

The father of the star is a family man whose name is Cole Hudson.

He has raised three happy and gifted children and enjoys his life in California. He and his wife Tomora have also tried their hands in creating video content. In the video Tomora and Chase were making cookies for Christmas. The proud cameraman was Cole.

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