Jaiden Animations
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, youtuber
NickName: Jaiden Animations
Birthplace: Arizona
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Jaiden Animations

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: September 27, 1997 - now age 27 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Youtuber

    Height: 5 feet and 7 inches which is about 161 centimeters


    Zodiac sign: Libra
Jaiden Animations bio

Biography: edit

Jaiden Animations (Kiyomi) is a famous You Tuber. This girl creates videos devoted to different spheres of life – she talks to the audience about school problems, clothes, sports and what not. She is also a talented drawer and thus she makes animated pictures for her viewers. She was born in Arizona and had a happy childhood. At school she took part in different sport events and was taught to play musical instruments. Now she lives in Los Angeles.

1 fact

What about Her Age And Raceedit

The girl was born 1997 in a family of a mixed ethnicity.

Her mother Japanese and her father is an American

Jaden’s birthday is on the 27th of September. By the age of 22 she had managed to get more than 6 million subscribers on her channel.

2 fact

Sexuality and Relationship edit

The sexuality of such a cute and funny vlogger is a burning question for her audience. She claims that she is straight but never mentions the names of her partners or boyfriends.

3 fact

How Tall is She? Height edit

The girl is not tall.

She is just 5 feet and 7 inches which is about 161 centimeters.

 She has a delicate build and weighs about 54 kilos.

4 fact

Face? Real Face Photo edit

Jaiden Animations Real Face Photo

Despite her great popularity the You Tuber did not want to appear on her channel personally for a long time. As her subscribers had an avalanche of questions about her face, she made a special video where she explained that she was too shy to make a face reveal. In the video she spoke about her problems with self-confidence. Now the audience is given a chance to see her cute face and her pleasant appearance.

5 fact

Her Real Name edit

The real name of the star is Jaden Kiyomi

which was given to her by her parents.

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