Young Lyric
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Rapper, Singer
Real Name: Lyric Michelle Marie Ragston
Birthplace: Houston, TX
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Young Lyric

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: July 30, 2000 - now age 24 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Rapper

    Height: 5 feet and 4inches. It is approximately 162 centimeters.


    Zodiac sign: Leo
Young Lyric bio

Biography: edit

The young performer was born in 2000. Her parents gave her the name of Lyric Michelle Ragston.

When she was only 7 years old she showed a great talent to music which had been obviously inherited from her father and uncle. Being raised in a creative family Michelle soon started composing poems in hip-hop style. She took part in a popular show ‘The Rap Game’. Michelle burst You Tube with her videos in 2010. Now she is a prominent singer who has the title of Hip-Hop Princess. Among her compositions released in 2019 is the song ‘Get It How You Live’.

1 fact

Her Race or Ethnicityedit

The race and ethnicity of stars have always been a great interest. The star is reported to be of multiracial.

Young Lyric has Afro-American roots.

 She has the unique feeling of rhythm which is characteristic of that race.

2 fact

Her Money and Net worth edit

Though the performer started her professional activity not so long ago she has managed to earn a fortune.

Her net worth in 2019 is reported to be 150 thousand dollars.
3 fact

How Tall is She? Height in Feet edit

The girl has a miniature height which is about

5 feet and 4 inches. It is approximately 162 centimeters.

 The young artist is slender and graceful. She weighs something between 45 and 50 kilos.

4 fact

Her Boyfriend or Girlfriend, Sexuality and Rumors about Pregnant? edit

The profession of a performer obliges to keep the names of boyfriends and girlfriends in secret.

Despite the fact that Young Lyric is rather modest speaking about her affairs, there are rumors from her competitive rapper Miss Mullato.

 She claims that at the age of seventeen Michelle was pregnant and got rid of the kid. The rumors have not ever been proved.

5 fact

Her Age and Place of Birth edit

Michelle was born on the 30th of July, 2000, in Houston.

By the age of nineteen she had managed to release several singles and take part in a Live Time TV reality show.

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