Lil Dicky
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Singer, Rapper, Songwriter
Real Name: David Andrew Burd
NickName: Lil Dicky, Brian, LD
Birthplace: Cheltenham Township, PA
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Lil Dicky

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: March 15, 1988 - now age 36 years in 2025

    Who is it?: Rapper

    Height: 6 FT 1 IN OR 185 CM


    Zodiac sign: Pisces
Lil Dicky bio

Biography: edit

A rapper and a hip-hop singer who is known to the audience by the pseudonym Lil Dicky was brought up in a family of orthodox Jews.

The boy had an inborn talent and high intellect, so after school he was welcome at the University of Richmond. Later the fellow became interested in rap and created a song which became viral on the Internet in a day. It was titled ‘Ex-Boyfriend’. In 2015 David released an album called ‘Professional Rapper’. Since 2014 the performer has undertaken some tours, the latest of which is ‘Life Lessons Tour’.

Now the performer has become a philanthropist and an environmentalist. He has a lot of famous collaborators among whom are Justine Bieber, Shawn Mendes and Arianna Grande.

 These artists voiced his music video titled ‘Earth’ in 2019.

1 fact

His Ageedit

The singer was born in 1888.

His birthday is on the 15th of March.

2 fact

How Tall is Lil Dicky? His Height edit

Lil Dicky has a formidable height which is more than 5 feet. He is about 180 centimeters tall.

Lil has a delicate build and weighs approximately 72 kilos.

3 fact

His Girlfriend and Relationship edit

There are many rumors about the love live of the hip-hopper.

According to them he had a serious affair with a girl named Molly.

 The couple split up after which David created a beautiful song ‘Molly’ and a music video to it.

4 fact

Lil Dicky Real Name and Nicknames edit

The real name of the star is David Andrew Burd.

The fans also know him as Brian or Lil Dicky or just LD for short.

5 fact

What About His Parents? edit

The performer was grown in a Jewish family which was quite comfortably-off and belonged to middle class.

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