Anna Kendrick
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Tv and Movie actress and celebrity
Real Name: Anna Cooke Kendrick
NickName: Anna Kendrick
Birthplace: Portland, ME
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Anna Kendrick

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: August 9, 1985 - now age 39 years in 2024

    Who is it?: MOVIE ACTRESS

    Height: 5 feet 2 inch or 158cm


    Zodiac sign: Leo
Anna Kendrick bio

Biography: edit

Anna Cooke Kendrick is known to the general public for her brilliant acting of Jessica Stanley in the world-famous project titled ‘Twilight’. An actress, a singer and a theatre star, she was born in Portland In 2013 she sang her first single ‘Cups’. In 2016 she wrote her first book ‘Scrappy Little Nobody’.

1 fact

Age - How Old She?edit

Anna Kendrick was born on the 9th of August, 1985.

She began her acting career when she was in her early teens. When she was only twelve, she was invited to work as a supporting actress on Broadway. She sang in the musical titled ‘High Society’. Her first film part was played at the age of 18. It was the movie ‘Camp’.

2 fact

Height in Feet - How tall is She? edit

The actress has an amazing figure.

She is a slender miniature girl whose height is 5 feet and 2 inches. This is approximately 158 centimeters.

 Despite her miniature size Ann has gorgeous feminine curves that make the male part of the audience crazy.

3 fact

Her Boyfriend and Relationship Now edit

The personal life of the star is not widely known as she is quite modest. In 2009 she had romantic affair with Edgar Wright who is a director.

Now she is known to have a long-term relation with Ben Richardson.

They have been dating since 2014.

4 fact

Anna Kendrick Feet and Shoe Size edit

According to the survey the actress is included into 5-Top stars that have smallest and most charming feet.

Her tiny shoes which are only size 7 are the subject of admiration of the fans.

 The actress prefers high-heeled shoes of the best designers.

5 fact

Her Weight edit

The weight of the young actress has remained the same since the period of her adolescence.

It is only 52 kilos.

 Unlike other stars that make terrific efforts to keep the same weight Anne eats whatever she likes and never gains a pound.

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