Lea Elui Ginet
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: TikTok (Musical.ly) & Instagram Social Media
Real Name: Lea Michele Bachmann
NickName: Lea, Lea Elui Ginet
Birthplace: Marseille, France
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Lea Elui Ginet

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: January 4, 2001 - now age 23 years in 2024

    Who is it?: TikTok (Musical.ly) & Instagram Star

    Height: 5’5 feet - 167.6cm


    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Lea Elui Ginet bio

Biography: edit

The young star whose name is Lea Elui Ginet has a very bright and interesting biography. She is of a mixed origin which combines American, French and Italian roots. She is just cut out for an entertainer as she is able to dance, has a great ear for music and can perform a dance in any style starting with classics and finishing with contemporary one.

The girl was born on the 4th of January, 2001, in France.

She started her work on Musically approximately in 2016. Later on she established an Instagram account.

1 fact

Her Birth Date and Ageedit

Fans never get tired of asking questions about how old their favorite is. Lea Elui Ginet is in her most tender age now.

She was born on the 4th of January, 2001.

 By her age she has managed not only to earn much money but also to master almost all the styles of dancing, tried her hand in acting and performing. She has collected a huge crowd of admirers.

2 fact

How Tall is She? Height in Feet and cm edit

Sometimes it is difficult to judge about the real height and other body measurements of a performer when you see him on his videos. The fans of Lea Elui Ginet would like to know how tall she is.

Her height is about 5 feet and 5 inches. The girl with a height of 165 centimeters looks rather graceful especially when she weighs only 47 kilos.
3 fact

About Her Mother edit

Lea is very close to her mom. She is the main supporter and helper for her.

Her name is Delphine. The mother of the performer is really proud of her daughter. She demonstrates it as she has the same tattoo with her daughter.

 The tattoo is located on her neck. It is a signature which runs: ‘Fearless’. This is symbolic for the artist and her mother.

4 fact

What We Know about her Dad? edit

Unfortunately there is no information about the dad of the star. Lea’s fans would be aeger to learn about her relations with her father and how he brought her up but this topic is closed for them now.

5 fact

Tik Tok / Musically Career edit

Lea Elui Ginet started as a star on Musical’Ly in 2016. She created unique video clips where she moved to the music in the style of her favorite artists one of whom is Shakira.

Later when Musically turned into Tik Tok the girl continued her activity and posted different videos one of which was a real boom. She tried to imitate Shakira’s dancing. It was performed in the style of belly-dance.

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