Pontiacmadeddg (DDG)
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Comedian, Social Media Star, Youtube celebrity
Real Name: Darryl Granberry
NickName: Pontiacmadeddg, DDG
Birthplace: Pontiac, MI
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Pontiacmadeddg (DDG)

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: October 10, 1997 - now age 27 years in 2024

    Who is it?: Youtube Celebriy

    Height: 5ft 8in (176.8cm)


    Zodiac sign: Libra
Pontiacmadeddg (DDG) bio

Biography: edit

Pontiacmadeddg (DDG) has an unusual biography for an Internet influencer. Usually they are people who have been disappointed in their career in real life and who are trying to establish a career on the field of virtual entertainment. This performer has become equally successful in real life as well as on the sphere of Internet content creating.

He was born on the 10th of October, 1997, in Michigan.

When he studied at school he was known as a funny and witty boy who was equally active in studies, sports and in other interesting events. His mates adored him for funny pranks and tricks. Later on the future artist entered Michigan University. He was rather keen on studies. But the profession of a vlogger absorbed him.

In 2014 Pontiacmadeddg created his own channel where he uploaded videos with his pranks, jokes and vlogs of his everyday life.

1 fact

How Old is He? Age?edit

The young artist was born on the 10th of October, 1997. He is born under the Zodiac sign of Libra.

People of this sign are light-hearted, naturally kind and are full of optimism. They are never picky or fussy but have a tendency to perfectionism. All these features make the performer a perfect comedian who is able to melt the hearts of the audience. So, it does not really matter much how old he is.

By the age of seventeen Pontiacmadeddg had managed to establish a big and permanent fanbase that bring him not only money but the valuable feedback to his creativity.

2 fact

Girlfriend / Relationship / Sexuality edit

All the admirers of the young and cute entertainer wonder if he has real relationship and what sexual orientation he has. His sexual orientation is straight and he had a girlfriend who is no less witty and charming than he is.

In 2017 he started relationship with a beauty vlogger Kennedy Cymone. The young couple had been meeting until summer 2018. Later they decided to part despite the fact that they had been engaged.

In the end of 2019 the young and promising artist was free and did not want to develop any relations with anyone. So, for the girls-admirers of the fellow there is a fine chance to change his life for the best.

3 fact

What We Know about His Real Name? edit

The real name of the artist is Darryl Granberry

He has the same first name as his father. The pseudonym of the performer consists of the name of his native town which is Pontiac. On the Internet he is known under the pseudonym Pontiacmadeddg.

4 fact

His Net Worth and Money Today edit

Though the performer established his channel in 2014 he can already count upon a good net worth. The money comes from his hilarious content on You Tube which can make anyone laugh his head off. There are a lot of fans that like to watch the videos of the young celebrity and who are able to repeat and repeat some of them. Due to this fact he has millions of watches of almost every piece that he creates.

5 fact

Family: Father. Mother, Siblings .. edit

It is known that the name of the father of the star is Daryl. He also has a mother whose name is Tonya.

The performer was brought up in a close family that have always been friendly and had great supportive relations.

The artist also has a sister who is eight years younger and who is one of the best admirers of his content. Her name is Tiarra.

He hopes that one day his sister would help him in his work and create videos together with him.

The performer admits that the main role in his establishing of artistic career is played by his beloved family.

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