6ix9ine (Tekashi 69)
age, height, real name

Age, Height, Real Name etc: edit

Occupation: Rapper, Singer
Real Name: Daniel Hernandez
NickName: 6ix9ine, Tekashi 69
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
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6ix9ine (Tekashi 69)

Interesting Facts

    Birthday: May 8, 1996 - now age 28 years in 2024

    Who is it?: RAPPER

    Height: The real height of 5 feet and 6 inches (or 170,69)


    Zodiac sign: Taurus
6ix9ine (Tekashi 69) bio

Biography: edit

Tekashi 69 or 6ix9ine - is an artist with the most extraordinary and shocking biography that puzzles and astonishes even the most experienced and tolerant music-lovers.

He was born in Brooklyn on the 8th of May, 1996.

The family that gave birth to the boy that later became the artist with the pseudonym ‘6ix9ine’ was not a rich one and the neighborhood where he grew up was far from elite one. When the boy was only thirteen his father was murdered not far from his own house.

In 2017 the boy became a star.

 He uploaded a post of his song on the Instagram. The song was titled ‘Gummo’ and it brought the beginner a great number of views. A special attention was paid to the appearance of the freshman. He has a tattooed face and multicolored long dreads.

He is definitely a talented person as he has managed to create an image which is a compilation of superhero characters, anime cartoon pictures.

The fans of the performer try to protect him in front of the public opinion and give a lot of noble acts as an example of his kind heart – once he visited a kid in hospital, he often bought food for the homeless on his neighborhood.

1 fact

His Net Worth and Moneyedit

By 2018 the artist had become one of the richest rappers due to the fact that his songs ‘Gummo’ and ‘Kooda’ had been on top of different hit parades. Both of the songs are certified Gold and have a smashing success among the audience.

It is stated that the rapper has a net worth which is encountered in 4 million dollars in 2019. Some sources state that his net worth is even 4 million dollars.

The money comes to the singer due to different sources. He is an Internet idol and all his social nets accounts have millions of subscribers. It brings a lot of cash to the performer. In 2018 there were a lot of deals with different recording companies. The money was encountered in millions.

For example he claims that the contract with RICHGANG recording enterprise was worth 15 million bucks.

2 fact

Height in Feet - How Tall He? edit

The idol of all rebellious teenagers in the world is about 1 meter and 68 centimeters tall. It is a burning question how tall the rapper is which is asked by many of his fans who are really hypnotized by his unusual looks and tattoos. The real height of 5 feet and 6 inches is rather a delicate one.

The artist is slim and sporty. Speaking about his build, figure and height it is necessary to mention that he has ordinary body measurement for a teenager grown up in Brooklyn. When he only started his career he was nothing but an average boy with a usual haircut and a modest number of tattoos. Later on he changed his appearance radically dying his hair all the colors of rainbow and making up numerous tattoos on his face and body.

3 fact

His Real Name edit

The real name of the performer is Daniel Hernandez.

He has two stage names that have some particular story of creation and explanation. He has chosen the pseudonym Tekashi 69 because he had had a friend who had given him much life experience and support. His name was Tekashi as he was a Japanese.

The other pseudonym which is ‘6ix9ine’ was chosen by the rapper because of the symbolic meaning that he personally sees in the numbers. He explains that he has a special vision of life because he looks at it from another angle.

The numbers 6 and 9 are understood differently by people who look at them from different angles.

4 fact

Is He Dead? He is Alive? edit

In 2018 there were a lot of rumors about the death of the performer. The fact is that he was kidnapped and robbed by some people whom he did not know.

The first question that troubled his fans was “Is He Dead?The rapper is not dead. He is alive and thanks the God for that.

 He is happy that he can see his daughter. 6ix9ine claims that the violation was planned by somebody who knows him and all his friends well. Having stayed at the hospital for some time he felt all right soon.

5 fact

What about About His Teeth? edit

One of the most distinguished features of 6ix9ine is his teeth. There are rather unusual grills. They are made of solid gold and shine with all the colors of rainbow.

The first variant of teeth grills that the performer wore was dazzling. Later he changed them into more modest ones that were multicolored but not shiny. Now his teeth come into fashion and there are people who would like to imitate their idol.

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