age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, youtuber, gamer
Real Name: Rodrigo Ximenes
Nick Name: Saiko
Born / How old is?: March 18, 1998
Place of Birth: Brazil
Nationality: Brazilian
Race / Ethnicity: Latin
Saiko Education:

The educational background of Rodrigo is not available.
Saiko measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Saiko Biography

    Birthday: March 18, 1998 - now age 26 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on March 18?

    Who is it?: youtube star

    Height: 1.76 m

    Weight: 68 Kg

    Zodiac sign: Pisces. More Pisces Celebrities

Pisces are changeable and impractical. A well-developed imagination and a rich inner world often take Pisces to a land of dreams. Fantasies and dreams fill life so much that it is sometimes very difficult for this sign to adapt to the real world. Pisces know how to sympathize and empathize, they will always console in difficult times and help those in need.

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Wiki: edit

Rodrigo Ximenes is a famous gamer who lives in Brazil. He was born on the 18th of March, 1998. He has a nickname Saiko which is famous all over the world among the lovers of gaming content. He has a unique trait – he can win any game in a thousand ways as he is an inborn strategy-maker. As soon as Rodrigo began publishing his video content he became one of the favorites of the audience because he can create hilarious jokes, he can amuse the public and even make them laugh their heads off.



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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Rodrigo does not tell the name of his father. 
Mother: Rodrigo does not disclose the name of his mom to other people. 
Siblings: It is not known whether Rodrigo has siblings. 
Wives and kids: Rodrigo is not officially married. It is not known whether he has kids.

Saiko sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.
Rodrigo has a girlfriend. Though he does not announce her name, he often shows her cute face on his social nets. Their relations are known to be very romantic.

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net worth

Saiko Net Worth, Money edit

His net worth is estimated at $ 1-1,5 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Rodrigo is a Brazilian. 
Cars: There is no information concerning the automobiles which he has.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He has a number of videos connected with the events of his early life, for example, at school.
    • In real life he is a very mild person who is caring and considerate. 

    • How Tall Is Saiko? - 1.76 m
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

On what net does Rodrigo upload his videos?
He works mainly on You Tube.
When did the gamer begin publishing his videos?
He began his work approximately in 2013.
Does Rodrigo concentrate only on his gaming content?
As he is a witty and humorous guy, he has tried his hand in making different interesting videos. For instance, there is a popular animated video called ‘The Worst Thing That You Can Have Also’. 
Does he run only his You Tube account?
Rodrigo has an Instagram account where he uploads his pictures from everyday life.


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