age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: social media star, youtuber
Real Name: Kat
Nick Name: ItsFunneh
Born / How old is?: October 31, 1995
Place of Birth: canada
Nationality: canadian
Race / Ethnicity: Asian
ItsFunneh Education:

Kat studied at High School.
ItsFunneh measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
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more about ItsFunneh

ItsFunneh Links:

🌠 ItsFunneh Biography

    Birthday: October 31, 1995 - now age 29 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on October 31?

    Who is it?: youtube star

    Height: UNKNOWN

    Weight: UNKNOWN

    Zodiac sign: scorpio. More scorpio Celebrities

Scorpio is courageous and persistent. The storms of passion that overcome this sign are not always under control. Scorpios are characterized by passionate hobbies, desperate jealousy and even aggression. However, in most cases, these emotions do not come out, but remain inside, provoking deep feelings.

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Wiki: edit

ItsFunneh has a real name which is Kat. She was born on the 31st of October, 1995, in Canada. She has a big family where she is a middle kid. She has three siblings who are no less interesting ant talented than she is. Kat is known for her videos that she uploads on You Tube and for her gaming content. Due to it she has become a popular personality on the Internet.



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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: The name of Kat’s father is unrevealed.

Mother: The name of Kat’s mother is not available.

Siblings: Kat has a brother. He is known by the nickname DraconiteDragon. His real name is Allen. He is a passionate gamer and makes videos based on Minecraft. Kat has three sisters. On the Internet they are known by the names Golden Glare, Lunar Eclipse and Painting Rainbows. Their real names are Kim, Wenny and Betty. All of them make gaming content concerning special role plays, gaming strategies and challenges. All of the content that the family makes is kid-friendly.

Husbands and kids: Kat is unmarried.

ItsFunneh sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Kim does not reveal the names of her possible boyfriends.

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net worth

ItsFunneh Net Worth, Money edit

Her net worth is estimated at $ 1 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: She resides in Canada.

Cars: There is no information about the car that she has.  


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • She has three dogs named Floof, Reignhart and Pupper.
    • She enjoys eating fast-food.
    • She likes fruit and cereals for breakfast.
    • She has a cat.
    • She has a sweet tooth.
    • She dyes her hair blue.

    • How Tall Is ItsFunneh? - UNKNOWN
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

When did Kat become a You Tuber?

She opened her account in 2011 but she did not publish any videos there till 2013.

What was her first video?

It was called ‘The Thirsty Crafter’. It was uploaded on her channel in 2013.

What is special about Kat’s work?

She has made a special web series called ‘Yandere High School’.


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