age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Singer
Real Name: Will Jay
Nick Name: Will
Born / How old is?: June 18, 1996
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: Asian
Will Jay Education:

We can’t say anything about Jay’s education.
Will Jay measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Will Jay Biography

    Birthday: June 18, 1996 - now age 28 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on June 18?

    Who is it?: POP SINGER

    Height: UNKNOWN

    Weight: 64 kg or 141 pounds

    Zodiac sign: Gemini. More Gemini Celebrities

Geminis are inquisitive and sociable. They can process a huge amount of information, constantly replenishing the treasury of their knowledge. They have a developed intellect, non-standard thinking and a huge number of friends and acquaintances

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Wiki: edit

Will Jay is better known as a former member of the pop group called IM5 whose real full name is William Behlendorf. However, now the young man broadens his horizons as a solo artist of Asian descent after announcing that he would leave the group in 2014. This, in turn, is not an easy thing to do in our society since the marginalization of Asians is still a burning issue nowadays. He inspires other Asian people to develop their skills in the entertainment business.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Jay’s father’s name isn’t revealed at the moment. 

Mother: No information is available on the web regarding his parents. Will Jay is of Chinese andGerman descent. 

Siblings: Wills’ junior brother’s name is Alex. 

Husbands and kids: Will Jay isn’t a married young guy and doesn’t havechildren as well so far. 

Will Jay sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Regarding his love life, Will Jay hasn’t revealed anything. 

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net worth

Will Jay Net Worth, Money edit

Jay’s net worth is to be made public someday in the future. So far wecan’t say anything accurate. 


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Will lives in Los Angeles, California.

Cars: What cars the Asian singer and actor drives, it is not known.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He is a huge fan of Monster trucks, BTS, McDonald’s, and a superhero named Hawkeye.
    • Will Jay loves eating candies, Swedish Fish.
    • The singer cites the green color as his favorite one.
    • Will Jay loves watching “Flash Gordon.”
    • The rising Asian star has been auditioning for roles in movies since the age of 10.
    • Will Jay cites football as his favorite kind of sports.
    • His former bandmates are Cole Pendery, Gabriel Morales, David Scarzone, and Dana Vaughns.

    • How Tall Is Will Jay? - UNKNOWN
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

Has music been his passion since his early age?

He has developed his interest in music at a very early age, in particular, at the age of 4. He also played in various theater productions. Additionally, he took part in some singing competitions.

What musical genre is his favorite one?

What attracts is the variety of music. However, his beloved genres are R&B and Gospel.  His favorite performers are Al Green, Otis Redding, Adele, A Tribe Called Quest, and Stevie Wonder, to name a few of them. Will also loves alternative rock, for instance, The Script.

What is his latest release? 

As of April 2018, it is a single called “Never Been in Love.”

What musical instruments can Will Jay play? 

He has learned to play piano and guitar.


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