age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Singer
Real Name: Angelina Jordan
Nick Name: Angelina
Born / How old is?: January 10, 2006
Place of Birth: Oslo, Norway
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: Multiracial
Angelina Jordan Education:

Angelina is a student of Oslo Waldorf School.
Angelina Jordan measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
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🌠 Angelina Jordan Biography

    Birthday: January 10, 2006 - now age 18 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on January 10?

    Who is it?: POP SINGER

    Height: UNKNOWN

    Weight: 40 kg

    Zodiac sign: Capricorn. More Capricorn Celebrities

Capricorn is reliable and pragmatic. The organizational skills of Capricorns, as well as the ability to plan, elevate them to the very top of the social pyramid. Talented executives and natural leaders, Capricorns have everything under control and can handle any situation

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Wiki: edit

Angelina Jordan Astar was born on the 10th of January, 2006, in Norway. She has changed a lot of countries. She has lived in the USA, in Norway and other ones. She has an unusual origin as her grandfather is from Japan. She started her career of a performer in 2014. She has taken part in many talent contests. Angelina is a talented singer and an actress.



Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: The name of Angelina’s father is not available.

Mother: Her name is Sara Astar.

Siblings: Angelina has a sister. Her name is not available. She is the youngest in the family.

Husbands and kids: Angelina does not have a spouse. She is totally oriented to her creative activity and studies. Besides, she is too young to have a family of her own.

Angelina Jordan sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Angelina does not tell about her personal life. She never broadcasts the names of her possible boyfriends.

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net worth

Angelina Jordan Net Worth, Money edit

Her net worth is estimated at $ 0, 8 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Angelina resides in Norway, in Oslo.

Cars: There is no information about Angelina’s cars. She is too young to have one.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • She has long black hair.
    • She likes unusual combinations of colors.
    • She has a white dog.
    • She likes horses.
    • She likes cartoons.
    • She can play the flute.
    • She can play the violin.

    • How Tall Is Angelina Jordan? - UNKNOWN
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What is the style of singing of the young performer?

She sings mainly in the style of jazz.

How many albums has Angelina recorded?

She has recorded one album which is called ‘My Christmas’. It is dated 2015. In 2017 she created an extended play which is named ‘Angelina Jordan’.

Does Angelina attend only the basic course of studies in her school?

Angelina also attends the courses of Music and Performing Art in the school where she studies.

What book has Angelina written?

She has written the book named ‘Between two hearts’. It is a touching narration about a girl who does not have a mother and who meets another one who becomes her friend and who gives her shoes. The story is based on true events.

What periodical issues have written about Angelina?

She has been mentioned in such issues as ‘Tames’, ‘People’ and other ones.


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