age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Actor
Real Name: Cody Christian
Nick Name: Cody
Born / How old is?: April 15, 1995
Place of Birth: California
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: White
Cody Christian Education:

We are unaware of the educational background of Christian.
Cody Christian measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
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🌠 Cody Christian Biography

    Birthday: April 15, 1995 - now age 29 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on April 15?

    Who is it?: TV ACTOR

    Height: 5 ft 8 in or 173 cm

    Weight: 68 kg or 150 pounds

    Zodiac sign: Aries. More Aries Celebrities

Aries are impulsive and independent. Bold, self-confident and energetic, shows incredible perseverance in achieving goals and colossal diligence. A sharp mind and strong will make this sign one of the brightest, but getting along with Aries is very difficult.

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Wiki: edit

Cody Christian is one of the cutest cast members of the TV project “Pretty Little Liars” which has been aired on Freeform. The aspiring American actor has been playing a role of Mike Montgomery, a junior brother of Aria, in the highly popular series since 2010. His other big credit is Theo Raeken, a werewolf being, in “Teen Wolf” where he appeared in the fifth and sixth seasons.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: We are unaware of who the actor’s father is. 

Mother: Her name is Ashley Bohall. The woman survived a breast cancer. The actor is very close to his mum. He often helps her in the household. The woman often uploads funny photos of little Cody on her Twitter account. 

Siblings: As to Cody’s siblings, nothing is made public. 

Husbands and kids: Christian has not been a husband and a father yet. 

Cody Christian sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Cody's current girlfriend is Alex Swift.

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net worth

Cody Christian Net Worth, Money edit

At the moment, Christian has accumulated over $2.4 million. 


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: The TV series star resides in Beverly Hills, California.

Cars: Cody has not showcased his cars yet.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He was nominated for a Teen Choice Award in 2017.
    • His Instagram following accounts for over 4 million people.
    • The actor has been raising money for cancer research due to his mother diagnose. One of his projects is a TV-shirt he designed on his own.
    • The guy has been acting since the age of 10.
    • He never loses an opportunity to eat at a Chipotle restaurant.
    • He was into sports; in particular, he was interested in bodybuilding.

    • How Tall Is Cody Christian? - 5 ft 8 in or 173 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What are his other credits which need to be mentioned? 

Christian has made appearances on such widely watched TV projects as “Grey’s Anatomy,” “True Blood,” and “Back to You.” Among his film credits, we should mention “The Starving Games” and “Kill the Irishman.”

What is his favorite film genre? 

He loves watching horror films, for example, “The Exorcist” and “Halloween.”

Is Cody a singer? 

The actor is a talented rapper. Teaming up with Kenny Kynoch, he made a cover of “Fragile” by Tech Ngne. However, rapping isn’t his number-one passion.

What is his fave pet? 

The actor favorite pet is a cat. He has furry one named Athena. The cat often appears on his Instagram page.


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