age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Singer
Real Name: Linus Bruhn
Nick Name: Linus
Born / How old is?: July 14, 1998
Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany
Nationality: Germany
Race / Ethnicity: White
Linus Bruhn Education:

All reliable information regarding Bruhn’s schools is now unavailable.
Linus Bruhn measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
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🌠 Linus Bruhn Biography

    Birthday: July 14, 1998 - now age 26 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on July 14?

    Who is it?: POP SINGER

    Height: 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm

    Weight: 74 kg or 163 lbs

    Zodiac sign: Cancer. More Cancer Celebrities

Cancer is sensitive and insightful. The emotional state of this sign directly depends on the relationship with other people and often changes. A change of mood leads to the fact that Cancers move from an active to a passive state. However, excellent intuition and attention to detail help them get out of the most difficult situations.

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Wiki: edit

Linus Bruhn is a German singing star on the rise. The budding performer was a contestant on The Voice of Germany in 2015 and competed also on My Name Is TV show on the RTL2 channel. The gifted lad won the latter series thanks to his wonderful rendition of “Baby” by Justin Bieber.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Bruhn’s father’s name isn’t disclosed as well as anyother info regarding his family members. 

Mother: His mother has not appeared on the radar so far. 

Siblings: There is nothing to say about Linus’ siblings. 

Husbands and kids: Linus has not revealed his plans as to his future interms of creating a family unit. So far he is an unmarried guy withoutchildren. 

Linus Bruhn sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Linus’ dating life remains private. 

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net worth

Linus Bruhn Net Worth, Money edit

No one knows what the fortune of the German artist is. 


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: The aspiring charismatic performer inhabits Hamburg, Germany.

Cars: The young singer has just started out and it seems that he has so far nothing particular to showcase in his garage.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • The singer with a wonderful voice is a huge fan of football. He shouts for the HSV club. He also plays soccer.
    • In total, Bruhn has amassed over 3 million views on his YouTube channel as of February 2018.

    • How Tall Is Linus Bruhn? - 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What artists has he covered on his YouTube channel? 

The social media star shots videos with him playing the music of Ed Sheeran, Backstreet Boys, Niall Horan, James Arthur, Charlie Puth, Jay Sean, Alan Walker, and some others.

Who chose him during the blind audition tour on the show? 

It was Gwen Stefani who chose him during the first audition on the show when judges just listen to contestants but don’t see them.

What is his social media following? 

On Instagram and YouTube, Bruhn has over 240K and 105K subscribers correspondingly.


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