age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: Singer
Real Name: Declan McKenna
Nick Name: Declan
Born / How old is?: December 24, 1998
Place of Birth: England
Nationality: British
Race / Ethnicity: White
Declan McKenna Education:

Declan went to St Mary’s Church of England High School.
Declan McKenna measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
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🌠 Declan McKenna Biography

    Birthday: December 24, 1998 - now age 25 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on December 24?

    Who is it?: FOLK SINGER

    Height: 6 ft or 183 cm

    Weight: 60 kg or 132.5 lbs

    Zodiac sign: Capricorn. More Capricorn Celebrities

Capricorn is reliable and pragmatic. The organizational skills of Capricorns, as well as the ability to plan, elevate them to the very top of the social pyramid. Talented executives and natural leaders, Capricorns have everything under control and can handle any situation

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Wiki: edit

Declan McKenna is a UK-based singer who has captured the hearts of many people in the country and worldwide releasing his debut and compromising single “Brazil.” Extremely mature for his age, the young boy managed to garner the attention that many performers older than him could just dream of. His socially important indie pop is very intelligent and fresh. His first album is titled “What Do You Think About the Car?”


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: No certain facts have been revealed. 

Mother: No details are unveiled in regard to Declan’s mother. We know that his parents areCatholics. They were the members of the Irish community. 

Siblings: His sister’s name is Catriona. 

Husbands and kids: The singer who is mature beyond his age has not become a husband to any girl and has no children. 

Declan McKenna sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: heterosexual.

We have nothing to tell you about his dating life. As he revealed in one interview, when he attended school, he did not think about girls. He was concentrated on his studies. 

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net worth

Declan McKenna Net Worth, Money edit

Presently, McKenna’s fortune amounts to $250K. 


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: McKenna lives in Hertfordshire, UK.

Cars: We are still to get to know at least something about the cars Declan drives.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • At the start of his career, he won the Glastonbury Festival’s Emerging Talent Competition.
    • He is still to find it out what kind of performer he strives to become.
    • Declan thinks of sharp societal issues to inspire people to change everything for the better.
    • At the start of spring 2013, he joined Twitter sharing the post that says that he started his Twitter page and his life was over since that moment.
    • The singer performed at the Horn venue in St. Albans, UK.
    • McKenna is proud of being a part of the generation which is engaged in politics and cares about the world at large and the well-being of the individual.
    • He does not consider himself as a political songwriter. He just thinks that in the world we live in now it is hard not to speak about certain issues.

    • How Tall Is Declan McKenna? - 6 ft or 183 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What is “Brazil” about?

This single is a protest which criticizes FIFA for arranging the money-soaked World Cup against the background of poverty. The catchy single showcases big sports, money, and power.

What are the themes of his singles? 

After his polemical debut single, he has launched many projects which speak out against xenophobia, sexism, police brutality, religious zealotry, and about other various political issues.

What performers inspire him to make big songs? 

His major influences are David Bowie, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Ezra Koenig.

Is he religious?

HAs his parents were Christians, he was brought up as a Catholic. However, they were not as oppressive as other people who are too much obsessed with religious ideas. His single “Bethlehem” is about this negative stuff where religion turns to be a destructive force.


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