age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: rapper
Real Name: Cdot Honcho
Nick Name: Cdot
Born / How old is?: January 18, 1996
Place of Birth: Chicago, IL
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: Black
Cdot Honcho Education:

Cdot was a student of High School.
Cdot Honcho measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
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🌠 Cdot Honcho Biography

    Birthday: January 18, 1996 - now age 28 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on January 18?

    Who is it?: RAPPER

    Height: UNKNOWN

    Weight: 71 kg or 156.5 lbs

    Zodiac sign: Capricorn. More Capricorn Celebrities

Capricorn is reliable and pragmatic. The organizational skills of Capricorns, as well as the ability to plan, elevate them to the very top of the social pyramid. Talented executives and natural leaders, Capricorns have everything under control and can handle any situation

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Wiki: edit

Cdot Honcho was born on the 18th of January, 1996, in Chicago. He is a young performer whose popularity is witnessed by millions of admirers of numerous social nets. He is a star of Twitter, Instagram and You Tube where he posts his latest creations and communicates with his fans.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: The name of Cdot’s father is not available.

Mother: Her name is not known.

Siblings: There is no information about Cdot’s siblings.

Wives and kids: Cdot does not have a wife.

Cdot Honcho sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Cdot does not tell about his personal relations.

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net worth

Cdot Honcho Net Worth, Money edit

His net worth is estimated at $ 0, 5 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Cdot resides in Chicago.

Cars: There is no information about Cdot’s cars.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • He is an often collaborator of the performer whose name is Young Scooter.
    • He and Young Scooter have composed a remix to the song called ‘Kilo’.
    • He misses his mother and granny who have passed away. When they were alive, he often showed their pictures on his social nets accounts.
    • His manner of creating texts and performing refers to hardcore.

    • How Tall Is Cdot Honcho? - UNKNOWN
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What is the genre of music in which Cdot creates his compositions and performs?

He is specialized in hip-hop and rap as he has been keen on this branch of musical culture since his childhood.

When did Cdot start his creativity?

He began making music in 2010. He did not upload his compositions on his account on social nets, as he was not sure in their success and supposed that he needed more training.

When did Cdot begin his Internet activity?

Cdot started his work in 2015 when he posted his first video. By that time he had created a whole extended play.

What was the first social net which he chose to work on?

It was ‘Sound Cloud’. Later he shifted on Twitter and You Tube.

What are the most popular compositions?

They are called ‘Aquafina’ and ‘Pull Up’.

Does Cdot create music videos to the compositions he makes?

He creates rather interesting music videos to almost every song that he makes. One of the latest music videos was composed to the song called ‘So Long Soon’. It has a lot of views and comments on Cdot’s Twitter account.


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