age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: rapper
Real Name: Ben Goldberg
Nick Name: Token
Born / How old is?: September 24, 1998
Place of Birth: Boston, MA
Nationality: American
Race / Ethnicity: White
Token Education:

Token recently graduated high school.
Token measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
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🌠 Token Biography

    Birthday: September 24, 1998 - now age 26 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on September 24?

    Who is it?: RAPPER

    Height: UNKNOWN

    Weight: 75 kg or 165 lbs

    Zodiac sign: Libra. More Libra Celebrities

Libra - balanced and diplomatic. Rarely show emotions, leaving all experiences inside, and try to maintain good relations with everyone. They are amorous and aesthetic, subtly feel the beauty of the world around them, intolerant of rudeness and bad taste.

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Wiki: edit

Token (Ben Goldberg) is a white rapper, born in 1998 in Massachusetts. He became popular after the release of the video on the track titled "No Sucka Mcs Contest" in 2015, which attracted nearly 4 million of views. More releases, videos, mixtapes, and tours followed, making him recognized by the huge hip-hop community in real life and on the internet all over the world.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Parents: Token's mom's or dad's names are not revealed just like all the other things about them including age and occupations.

Siblings: Token has a sister who he mentions in his song 'Code Red'

Wives and kids: Token is not married as of 2018 and he has never been married before. Also, he has no children or plans to have them in the nearest future as well.

Token sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight

Token has never been dating any girl officially though his biography must include one or two affairs for sure.

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net worth

Token Net Worth, Money edit

Token's estimated net worth is unclear. The young rapping talent earns enough with his music, however, the exact numbers have not been estimated by reliable sources yet.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Token resides in Boston.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • Actor Mark Wahlberg once called him his next favorite rapper;
    • He says he almost fell down the chair after he saw how many views his No Sucka MCs video attracted overnight;
    • Ater his YouTube success, he was noticed by huge audience and even invited to Morning SiriusXM show;
    • When he was a kid he did diss tracks about his teachers;
    • When he was little he was diagnosed with dyslexia.
    • His real name is Ben Goldberg.

    • How Tall Is Token? - UNKNOWN
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

When did Token's passion for hip-hop begin?

He fell in love with hip-hop music when he was only six years old.

And when did he actually begin making his own music?

In this sense, he's an early bird too. He started rapping and thinking out his own songs when he was just ten.

What was the song that made him famous?

It was his 2015 "No Sucka MCs" and video on it that went viral, scoring over a million of views on YouTube soon after the release. He even released a follow-up titled "Still No Sucka MCs" later.

How many tracks did Token release in total?

Based on his SoundCloud, he released 38 tracks in total.

Is he popular on social media?

Token has ove 33k of followers on Twitter alone, so sure he is popular on social media.


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