age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: FACEBOOK
Real Name: Waqar Malik
Nick Name: Waqar
Born / How old is?: April 4, 1989
Place of Birth: Kuwait
Nationality: Kuwait
Race / Ethnicity: Multiracial
Waqar Malik Education:

There is no information pertaining to his educational background.
Waqar Malik measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
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🌠 Waqar Malik Biography

    Birthday: April 4, 1989 - now age 35 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on April 4?

    Who is it?: FACEBOOK STAR

    Height: UNKNOWN

    Weight: 75 kg or 165 pounds

    Zodiac sign: Aries. More Aries Celebrities

Aries are impulsive and independent. Bold, self-confident and energetic, shows incredible perseverance in achieving goals and colossal diligence. A sharp mind and strong will make this sign one of the brightest, but getting along with Aries is very difficult.

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Wiki: edit

Waqar Malik is a budding Canadian social media celebrity. His official Facebook page boasts the following of 120 thousand people. Waqar has many talents being also a singer and actor apart from his social media activity. He has played his recent starring role in the feature movie entitled “KYUN The Killer Night.” The picture is an adventurous thriller written and directed by Rohit Kishanani. It was filmed in the Great Canadian Outdoors.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Nothing is known of his father.

Mother: There is no information regarding his mother. 

Siblings: Waqar is not the only child in the family having one sibling at least. Reportedly, he has got a nephew whose name is Rafay.

Husbands and kids: There is no confirmed data that can define the marital status of the social media star. If he isn’t a father now, he will become a good one in the future. In 2016, he posted a video, where he gives advice to parents. He strongly recommended being an example to children. Just giving a lecture is not enough and very often is just a complete waste of time, nothing else. Children just act as we do though we can constantly teach him what is good and what is bad.

Waqar Malik sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Nothing is known for certain regarding his current relationships. 

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net worth

Waqar Malik Net Worth, Money edit

Nothing is known of the man’s fortune. 


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: The man lives in Toronto, Canada.

Cars: Nothing related to his car range has been revealed.


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • Waqar starts each new day with a great work out. His makes posts showing off how he runs along the beach.
    • His content, especially photos, is of a very high quality. He often wears sunglasses on his photos posted.
    • Waqar has an amazing strong body.
    • Videos are aiming more at entertaining and giving a smile to people than at inspiring. The photos are on the contrary give an idea to people that they should believe in themselves and their dreams.

    • How Tall Is Waqar Malik? - UNKNOWN
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

What was his first successful result of his work? 

Back in spring 2015, the guy earned his first 10 thousand likes on his Facebook posts after a month of registration of his official account.

What is his Instagram following? 

He has gained more than 50 thousand followers on Instagram.

What is about his content? 

Waqar posts not only video but also photos. Posts often have a motivational message. The man loves encouraging people and making them laugh.

Who is his famous collaborator? 

Very often Sham Idrees is featured in Waqar’s videos. The young man is a singer and a songwriter, as well as a social media celeb.


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