age, height, real name

Age, Height, Weight etc: edit

Occupation: YouTube
Real Name: Sierra Furtado
Nick Name: Sierra
Born / How old is?: September 24, 1993
Place of Birth: Montreal, Canada
Nationality: Canadish
Race / Ethnicity: White
Sierra Furtado Education:

She was a High School student.
Sierra Furtado measurements

Measurements, Body: edit

Body Measurements: UNKNOWN
Shoe Size: UNKNOWN
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
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🌠 Sierra Furtado Biography

    Birthday: September 24, 1993 - now age 31 years in 2024. What celebrities are born on September 24?

    Who is it?: YOUTUBE STAR

    Height: 5 ft 4 in or 163 cm

    Weight: 110 pounds or 50 kg

    Zodiac sign: Libra. More Libra Celebrities

Libra - balanced and diplomatic. Rarely show emotions, leaving all experiences inside, and try to maintain good relations with everyone. They are amorous and aesthetic, subtly feel the beauty of the world around them, intolerant of rudeness and bad taste.

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Wiki: edit

Sierra Furtado was born on the 24th of September, 1994, in Montreal. The child of the girl was full of work as she was a scholar and a dancer. This helped her to become a very self-organized person who is able to deal with any tight schedule and not to be late a bit. In 2012 she opened her own channel where she uploaded the videos with her experiments with dressing up, choosing garments and making up. Later the girl, meeting the demand of her fans, started creating random videos in which she answered the questions of the followers.


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Family, Mother, Father, Wife & Husbands, Kids edit

Father: Sierra’s father’s name is not given.

Mother: Sierra’s mother’ name is Louise.

Siblings: Sierra has a brother whose name is Corbin and a sister whose name is Amanda.

Husbands and kids:  Sierra is not married.

Sierra Furtado sexuality

Sexuality / Sexual Orientation edit

Sexual orientation: straight.

Sierra is currently dating Alex Terranova. He is a model.

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net worth

Sierra Furtado Net Worth, Money edit

Her net worth is estimated at $ 0, 6 Million.


Houses & Cars edit

Place of living: Sierra lives in Vancouver.

Cars: the information about her car is not known


Facts and Favorite Things: edit

    • She has two cats.

    • How Tall Is Sierra Furtado? - 5 ft 4 in or 163 cm
misc questions

Misc Questions edit

Does Sierra have any other sphere of work?

Sierra is working over a book which she is planning to title ‘Life Uploaded’.

Does Sierra speak only about her makeup experiences?

Sierra has interests in many fields. She likes travelling and has a number of vlogs about the places she has been to.


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